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Procedural Retro Patterns for Blender

With this pack you get 8 nodegroups to create fully procedural patterns designed in a peculiar 1970s, old-school flavour.
All patterns are seamless and scalable, and all colors are fully customizable.
For nodes number 02, 06 and 08 you can also shuffle pattern schemes to create unique textures.
UV informations are not required.

Benefits of Procedural

Procedural textures are generated using a mathematical description. This means low storage cost, unlimited texture resolution and easy texture mapping.

Set includes

Blend file with 8 procedural materials, one for each plane object.


Created in Blender 2.91.
Works with Eevee and Cycles.

Standard Use License
License: Standard License
Stock Assets

For personal use and one commercial project (up to 2,000 sales or 20,000 views).


One copy to be used by a single user.

Installable Tools

One installation by a single user.

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Files (1)
blend /
410 KB